Studenti Visitatori e Alumni
Silvia Minosse è dottoranda di ricerca presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” e ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Fisica presso la stessa università.
La sua ricerca si concentra sulle neuroscienze e sull’analisi multidisciplinare dei dati, tra cui la risonanza magnetica funzionale, la teoria dei grafi e l’imaging TC avanzato.
CONCLUSIONS: DKI seem to provide additional information compared to the standard diffusion model, this can be inferred from the results obtained through this study as DKI parameters correlates with both DCE and DSC parameters while ADC only correlates with K(ep) and in a statistically less significant manner.
CONCLUSION: Compressed-SENSE for 3D T2 FLAIR, T1w and T2w sequences enables faster MRI acquisition, reducing scan time and maintaining equivalent image quality. Compressed-SENSE is very useful in specific medical conditions where lower SAR levels are required without sacrificing the acquisition of helpful diagnostic sequences.
Peliosis hepatis (PH) is a rare benign pathological entity characterised by dilatation of the hepatic sinusoids. It has been reported to be associated with infection or malignancy, but the aetiology of PH remains unknown. Distinguishing PH from other malignancies can be difficult on imaging studies. This case report describes the incidental finding of PH in a patient undergoing a cardiac computed tomography (CT) scan at our institution. The CT scan incidentally revealed areas of altered density...
CONCLUSION: K(ep) and V(e) were time-dependent in brain tumors, so a longer scan time is needed to obtain reliable parameter values. K^(trans) was found to be time-independent, as it remains the same in all 6 acquisition times and is the only reliable parameter with short acquisition times.
Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. It is classically associated with structural and functional changes in the optic nerve head and retinal nerve fiber layer, but the damage is not limited to the eye. The involvement of the central visual pathways and disruption of brain network organization have been reported using advanced neuroimaging techniques. The brain structural changes at the level of the areas implied in processing visual information could justify the discrepancy...
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