Tommaso Boccato



Tommaso Boccato è uno studente del Dottorato di Ricerca Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale presso la Sezione di Fisica Medica di Tor Vergata.

Ha conseguito una laurea in Ingegneria dell’Informazione e una laurea magistrale in ICT, entrambe presso l’Università di Padova.

I suoi interessi includono le reti neurali, il deep learning, la scienza delle reti e la computer vision.

La ricerca attuale di Tommaso si concentra sulle architetture neuromorfiche e sulla “telepatia” generativa terapeutica.


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Ultime 5 pubblicazioni (PubMed)

  • Enabling uncertainty estimation in neural networks through weight perturbation for improved Alzheimer's disease classification

    CONCLUSION: We believe that being able to estimate the uncertainty of a prediction, along with tools that can modulate the behavior of the network to a degree of confidence that the user is informed about (and comfortable with), can represent a crucial step in the direction of user compliance and easier integration of deep learning tools into everyday tasks currently performed by human operators.

  • Beyond multilayer perceptrons: Investigating complex topologies in neural networks

    This study delves into the crucial aspect of network topology in artificial neural networks (NNs) and its impact on model performance. Addressing the need to comprehend how network structures influence learning capabilities, the research contrasts traditional multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) with models built on various complex topologies using novel network generation techniques. Drawing insights from synthetic datasets, the study reveals the remarkable accuracy of complex NNs, particularly in...

  • The age-specific comorbidity burden of mild cognitive impairment: a US claims database study

    CONCLUSIONS: The comorbidity burden of MCI relative to non-MCI is age-dependent. A model based on comorbidities alone predicted an MCI diagnosis with reasonable accuracy.

  • Dynomics: A Novel and Promising Approach for Improved Breast Cancer Prognosis Prediction

    Traditional imaging techniques for breast cancer (BC) diagnosis and prediction, such as X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), demonstrate varying sensitivity and specificity due to clinical and technological factors. Consequently, positron emission tomography (PET), capable of detecting abnormal metabolic activity, has emerged as a more effective tool, providing critical quantitative and qualitative tumor-related metabolic information. This study leverages a public clinical dataset of...

  • Spatiotemporal learning of dynamic positron emission tomography data improves diagnostic accuracy in breast cancer

    Positron emission tomography (PET) can reveal metabolic activity in a voxelwise manner. PET analysis is commonly performed in a static manner by analyzing the standardized uptake value (SUV) obtained from the plateau region of PET acquisitions. A dynamic PET acquisition can provide a map of the spatiotemporal concentration of the tracer in vivo, hence conveying information about radiotracer delivery to tissue, its interaction with the target and washout. Therefore, tissue-specific biochemical...


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