Dionisia Naddeo PhD Student Email dionisia.naddeo@uniroma2.eu Biography Dionisia Naddeo is a Ph.D. student in the National Ph.D. program in Artificial Intelligence for Life Sciences. She holds a Master’s degree in Physics from La Sapienza University of Rome, with a focus on Condensed Matter Physics and Solid State Physics.Her research interests include neural networks, deep learning, with a particular interest on applying graph neural networks to brain connectivity. Profiles LinkedIn Last 5 articles (Scopus) Last 5 articles (PubMed)
Sara Verde
Sara Verde PhD Student Email saraverde98@outlook.com Biography Sara Verde is a Ph.D. student in Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine. She got her bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology for Health in 2021 and her master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in 2023, both at University of Naples, “Federico II”. She was awarded a scholarship financed by POR Campania FSE 2014-2020 obtaining a certificate as technician in Technology Transfer and Industrial Enhancement in Research. Her current research focuses on exploring new diagnostic tools for rare diseases. Profiles LinkedIn Last 5 articles (PubMed)
Matteo Ferrante
Matteo Ferrante PhD Student Email matteo.ferrante@uniroma2.it Biography Matteo Ferrante is a Ph.D. candidate at the National AI Ph.D. – Health and Life Sciences program, studying neuromorphic architectures and generative therapeutic “telepathy.” He has degrees in Physics and Biomedical Physics from the University of Pavia. His interests lie in artificial intelligence, precision medicine, and neuroscience. His Ph.D. project focuses on decoding visual stimuli in the brain and generating activation maps using mappings between latent spaces of the brain and artificial neural networks. Profiles Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Scopus Orcid LinkedIn Google Scholar Pubmed Gomp Teachings A. Y. 2024 – 2025 Igiene Dentale (Italian) Tecniche audioprotesiche (italian) Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (Italian) Last 5 articles (Scopus) Last 5 articles (PubMed)
Marco Micali
Marco Micali PhD Student Email marco.micali@students.uniroma2.eu Biography Marco Micali earned his Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques and a single-cycle Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology from the University of Palermo. In 2023, he commenced his PhD studies in Medical-Surgical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine. His current research focuses on exploring the efficacy of focused ultrasound (FUS) in stimulating myelin repair for multiple sclerosis treatment. Profiles LinkedIn
Chiara Maria Salzano
Chiara Maria Salzano PhD Student Email chiaramsalzano@icloud.com Biography Chiara Maria Salzano is a Ph.D. student in Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine.She holds a master’s degree in Bioinformatics from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, a bachelor’s in Biotechnology for Health and a professional master in Human Centred Artificial Intelligence both earned from the University of Naples “Federico II”. During the M.Sc. she completed a one-year internship at the hospital I.F.O. of Rome. She has previously worked as software developer in a consulting company.
Luigi Rosati
Luigi Rosati PhD Student Email l.rosati@med.uniroma2.it BiografY Luigi Rosati is a student in the National Ph.D. Program in AI & Health and Life Sciences with a master’s degree in Physics earned at “Sapienza” University of Rome.His research interests include bio-inspired AI, neuromorphic architectures, neural networks and neuroscience.
Matteo Ciferri
Matteo Ciferri PhD Student Email matteociferri.1995@gmail.com Biography Matteo Ciferri is a student in the National Ph.D. Program in Artificial Intelligence at the Tor Vergata Medical Physics Section.He holds a master’s degree in Management Engineering from La Sapienza University in Rome, with a focus on data science and optimization models. His interests include neural networks, deep learning, data mining, and audio programming.
Bilal Nizami
PhD Student
Muhammad Kashif
PhD Student
Marta Grossi
Research Fellow